I have been a reader of Gentlemen's Quarterly for almost 15 years. It has taught me many things about food (thank you Alan Richman), etiquette, and of course style. Over the years the magazine has had to adjust to changing times, in both fashion and social norms. It is hard to imagine how a man in 1966 would have reacted to seeing Tyra Banks in an 'almost-there' bikini on the cover of GQ next to JKF, James Bond (the orignal) and Cary Grant.
And although some readers have complained about the increased presence of scantily-clad woman on the cover of GQ, it is easy to forgive the inclusion of beautiful women on the cover of a men's magazine:
But when Taylor Lautner makes the cover of my beloved GQ, a little piece of me dies inside.
If you are a 16 year old girl and have read all of the Twighlight books you are probably excited about July's cover model, but I for one am thoroughly disappointed. Gentlemen's Quarterly no longer comes out once every four months, but hopefully it can live up to the first part of its title. Bring back the Gentlemen.